NEW YORK, NY - Let's face it: Even after three years of exposure to the medium, there's still a lot more heat than light surrounding the use of social media in ecommerce marketing. I know I'm going to get this statistic wrong, but it's directionally correct: Kevin Hillstrom of reported earlier this year that social media seems to account for half of the trade show chatter in the multichannel ecommerce space but only 4% of the revenues. That number sure feels right.
Here's why I bring this up: Almost all of my ecommerce candidates these days are being asked to address social media in their job interviews. Like, across the board: Email marketing managers, affiliate marketing managers, paid search candidates, merchandising and usability folks, Directors of Online Marketing, VPs of Ecommerce.
Everyone, it seems, is expected to have a teachable point of view [page 2] on social media and know how this channel will influence their own functional area. Now more than ever: In lean, flat, knowledge-intensive, team-based organizations -- to teach is to lead. You can't just hit home runs while being a lone wolf in the clubhouse. You gotta raise the batting average of everyone in your dugout.
Which is why I think you ought to take three minutes and watch Andrew Davis, Chief Strategy Officer at Tippingpoint Labs, as he explains the social media influence pyramid. This is a simple, back of the envelop concept that will make any ecommerce job candidate look smart in an ecommerce job interview. Check it out for Andrew's content -- but notice also how he presents this material. Food for thought.
UPDATE: Check out this FREE special report from Bain & Co. on social media and ecommerce. Very nice.